Neil Kim

Fundamentals of a Healthy Marriage Relationship

by NCFC posted Jun 22, 2016


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Date 2016-05-29
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“Fundamentals of a Healthy Marriage Relationship”

Rev. Neil Kim


The proper understanding of thebasic principles for marriage can help us experience
a greater sense of fulfillment for our marriage relationship.


I. Who designed marriage? (Genesis 2:18-25)
1. God masterminded the design of marriage.
2. He wrote a manual for how marriage works best.
3. Marriage takes a lifetime of work to put it together the right way.


II. Why marriage?
1. God designed marriage to meet our need for companionship.
a. Marriage is to be a primary relationship. (Gen 2:24)
b. Marriage is to be a committed relationship. (Matt. 19:6).
c. Marriage is to be an intimate relationship. (Gen 2:23-24)
2. Marriage is a reflection of the spiritual relationship that exists between
Christ and the church. Your marriage relationship reveals God’s glory.


III. Realistic view of marriage
1. God never designed a perfect happiness and conflict-free relationship in
2. Do not look to another to complete your expectations. Rather, you are
to find your fulfillment and purpose in God together.


IV. Yield to each other. (Ephesians 5:21-27)
1. Submit to one another out of reverence of Christ. (v. 21)
2. Both husband and wife are to yield to each other. (vv. 22-27)