Neil Kim

Rahab’s Faith

by NCFC posted Oct 15, 2014


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Date 2014-10-12
Bible Joshua 2
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(2) Rahab’s Faith
(Joshua 2)
Rev. Neil Kim

 I. Anyone can receive true saving faith.
True saving faith puts no confidence in the flesh. (Philippians 3:4-9)
God in His grace uses people we might think could never become His servant.

 II. Active faith (vv. 4-7)
Rahab demonstrated her faith by receiving the spies and risking her life to protect them.
The assurance of salvation isn't based only on what we know from the Bible or how we feel in our hearts.  It's also based on how we live.

 III. Believing faith (vv. 8-11)
True saving faith involves "the whole personality": the mind, the emotions, and the will, and then action in obedience to God.
It isn't important how and through whom you hear God's message.  Rather are you going to simply hear His Words and believe it with your whole personality?

 IV. Compassionate faith (vv. 12-14)
Rahab wasn't concerned only about her own welfare.  Once she had personally experienced God's grace, she was burdened to save her family.
 V. Covenant Faith (vv. 14-21)
Rahab had faith in the covenant promises of God.
We have a covenant faith with God through the blood of Jesus, and this covenant is a promise of God which is never going to be taken away from us.

 VI. Applications
What can we be encouraged to do as we reflect on Rahab’s faith evidenced through her action?
Who in your family do you wish God would save?  What can you do to share the good news with them?  Have a time to pray for them.