Keeyoung Kim


by NCFC posted Mar 18, 2014


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Date 2014-03-16
Bible Nehemiah 5
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(Nehemiah 5)
Pastor Keeyoung Kim

 I. Recap
Everyone was committed to a holy work and everyone had a task (Neh 3)
External opposition will come while doing God’s work (Neh 4)

 II. Disunity is internal opposition to God’s work that is often most surprising and
      devastating (vv. 1-5)

 III. Disunity of the people of God should warrant holy anger and conviction (vv. 6-8)

 IV. How we treat the people around us reflects how we view God (vv. 9-10)

 V. Conviction should lead to praise and unity (vv. 11-13)

 VI. Unity among a body of believers will exalt Christ

 VII. Application
Who do you need to forgive?  Walk it out in obedience and faith.
Everyone has a role to spur love, unity, and the knowledge of God in a community.  What is your role, gift, responsibility in your local body?  How can the people around you encourage you in that?
If you are ready, genuinely commit your life to the Lord for His will and His glory.  Once you do that, serving with your gifts will follow.