Neil Kim

Putting Humility Into Action

by NCFC posted Nov 19, 2013


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Date 2013-11-17
Bible Philippians 2:19-30
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“Putting Humility Into Action”
(Philippians 2:19-30)
Rev. Neil Kim

 I. Actions of humility and  reasons for humility
Do you consider others better than you?  Do you have interests of others? (vv. 3-4)
Humility brings forth encouragement, comfort, tenderness and compassion. (v. 1)

 II. The reasons for sending Timothy and Epaphroditus
Timothy (v. 19): for encouragement
Epaphroditus (v. 26): for comfort and showing tenderness of his heart
Paul was willing to release Epaphroditus out of genuine concern for him.
Paul also knew how the Philippi congregation was longing to see him as well.
For Paul, people were more important than his ministry.

 III. Why did Paul choose Timothy and Epaphroditus?
Timothy shared the same concern and love that Paul had in his relationship with the church of Philippi. (vv. 20-22)
Timothy has proved himself. (v. 22)
Paul refers to Epaphroditus as his brother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier. (v. 25)
Paul testifies how Epaphroditus has proved his humility. (vv. 29-30) 

 IV. Paul, Timothy and Epaphroditus were amazing partners in Christ
When God assigns a work, He wants us work to together as a team.  God doesn’t want individualism in his kingdom. 
What made them great partners?
Was it their gifting, abilities and super faith that made it possible?
May be they didn’t have any weaknesses?
There were only two things that they needed to work as great partners.
They considered others better themselves and had a genuine concern for others.
They were willing to give up what they had for the sake of others.

 V. Applications:
What prevents you from considering others better than you and having interests of others?  Share your thoughts.
Paul says that Epaphroditus was a man who almost gave his life for another brother.  Let us think of ways to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ in the same willing manner.