Sara Pyon

What Really Matters

by NCFC posted Oct 08, 2013


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Date 2013-10-06
Bible Philippians 1:12-18
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 What Really Matters
(Philippians 1:12-18)
Rev. Sara Pyon


 I. How You Can Rejoice in Difficult Personal Circumstances
Know your calling (v. 1)
Know God is in control (v. 6)
Focus on the benefits (vv. 12-14)
Opportunity to advance the Gospel among the unbelievers (v. 13)
Share your relationship with Christ
Opportunity to advance  the Gospel among the believers (v. 14)
Share your joy and faithfulness
Challenge others to share God more courageously and fearlessly


 II. Rejoice Whenever Christ is Preached No Matter What the Motive (vv. 15-18)
Some out of a sense of competition and personal ambition
Some out of a genuine love and sense of good will
It’s NOT about you!


 III. Reflections
When you find yourself in a difficult circumstance, how do you typically react? Is it more like “Why me? How could you, God?” or “Lord, I don’t understand why, but I trust you. Use this circumstance for your glory”?
Share an experience when a difficult personal circumstance resulted in benefitting you and/or others.  How did it benefit you?  How did it benefit others?
Are you going through challenging circumstances right now?  Would this help or hurt the advancement of the Gospel to the unbelievers and/or the believers in your life?  Why?