Jamie Kim

Can You See?

by NCFC posted Feb 05, 2013


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Date 2013-02-03
Bible John 9:1-12
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(29) Can You See?
(John 9:1-12)
Dr. W. Jamie Kim

I. The Conspiracy Continues
Psychological effect
Responsive effect

II. Differences in Point of View
Disciples’ point of view
Worldly, humanly
Judgmental and condemnation
Jesus’ point of view
Spiritual and divine
Comfort and encouragement

III. Differences in Conclusions Coming from Different Views
Disciples’ conclusion
Nothing to do with us once our curiosity is satisfied (Human Limits)
Indifference in real problem (selfish and self-centered)
Jesus’ conclusion
Heal him after having offered an explanation (Divine power)
Cares for him and offers a solution (selfless/others centered)

IV. Action from the Conclusion
Always does what pleases the Father (8:29)
Sets people free (8:31-36)
Ultimately salvation in mind (8:30; 9:35-36)

V. Lessons and Practical Application
Jesus offered mercy and kindness because He had the mind of God. We, however, on the other hand are quick to judge and offer condemnation when we see people we consider as sinful. What do you think God would feel when He sees us in that situation?
We often talk about freedom, but we ourselves are caught in a trap of sinful behavior such as hatred, resentment, unwillingness to forgive, and darkness. How can we really live in freedom as Christians? What are the suggestions?
Often we are blind to our sinfulness and yet very sensitive to the shortcomings of other people. Jesus said that we should remove a plank from our eyes before we can judge others. How will you apply this principle in your life?