Sara Pyon

Work for Food that Endures to Eternal Life

by NCFC posted Nov 06, 2012


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Date 2012-11-04
Bible John 6:24-40
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(19) Work for Food that Endures to Eternal Life
(John 6:24-40)
Rev. Sara Pyon

 I. The Crowd Pursued Jesus (vv. 24-25)
Enthusiasm is not necessarily a mark of one’s faith
It was driven by a misguided, selfish motive (v. 26)

 II. The Crowd Experienced Jesus’ Miracles, but Failed to Believe in Him.
Faith is not an automatic byproduct of experiencing a miracle
Miracles provide only temporary satisfaction (vv. 30-31)

 III. Jesus Confronted the Crowd
Warned them against working for food that spoils (vv. 27-28)
What it does NOT mean 

 IV. Jesus Taught the Truth
To work for Food That Endures to Eternal Life
Offered Himself as the bread of life (v. 35)

 V. Application
How satisfied are you with Jesus? Do you still have a hunger to have some void in your life filled?  If so, what types of things are you pursuing to fill that void with?  Have you been successful?
Jesus offered the living water to the Samaritan woman, and she received Him gladly. Jesus offered the bread of life to the crowd, but they rejected Him. Why do you think people respond to the same gospel message differently?