David Chang

Not By Sight

by NCFC posted Aug 09, 2011


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Date 2011-08-07
Bible Genesis 25


“Not By Sight” - Genesis 25
Rev. David Chang

I. Living By Faith (vv. 19-22)
Go to God first
Trust in God’s timing
Trust in God’s promises

II. Trusting in God’s Choice (vv. 23-28)
God’s choice is based on grace
God’s choice has salvation history in mind
In contrast, human choice is based on the outside or worldly values

III. Looking Ahead (vv. 29-34) 
Esau was living in a way to satisfy his present needs and desires
Jacob was living in a way that was looking ahead 

IV. Application  
We tend to become more cynical the older we get, don’t we? When God does not answer a prayer right away, we start to question God’s timing and promises for us. As a result, we allow our situation and circumstances (i.e. our sight) to more easily govern our life. How have you lived by faith rather than by sight lately? 
Many times, we want to be at the center of God’s choice. Perhaps this speaks to the selfishness of our time. Could it be possible that God chooses to do something in our life so that it can positively impact the life of the next generation with absolutely no tangible benefits for us today? If so, are you okay with it even if it means undergoing suffering and pain?
How many times do we simply live to satisfy our present needs and desires, without a care or respect for our Heavenly Father? How are you using the things that God has entrusted to you with an eternal purpose?