Pastor Moses Kim

How to Serve

by NCFC posted Jul 26, 2011


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Date 2011-07-24
Bible Genesis 24




“How to Serve” - Genesis 24
Rev. Moses Kim


 I. Blessed to be a blessing
Recognize that God has blessed us
God’s blessing is to be shared

 II. Called to serve
Vision must be clearly understood by the one who is serving
Servant carries out the Master’s plan exactly as instructed

 III. Prayerfully serve
Prayer and serving go hand in hand
Specific prayer produces specific answers

 IV. Our rights versus our responsibilities
We need to focus more on our responsibilities rather than our rights
It is our responsibility to serve our very best

 V. Serving others is like serving Jesus
“For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.” (Matthew 25:35-36)
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)