Pastor Moses Kim

Doing Ministry

by 김일두 posted Jun 16, 2010


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Date 2010-02-28
Bible Doing Ministry



“Doing Ministry”
Luke 8:41-56; 10:29-37


 I. Introduction
All ministry is first of all ____________________
One of the prerequisites of a helper is that you _________________
Every ____________________ of ministry reveals something of God
We need ____________________ empowered ministry


 II. Lessons From Jairus
Jairus asks the right person for ____________________ (v. 41)
Someone else’s need ____________________ the process (vv. 43-48)
Feeling ____________________ (v. 49)
Assurance from ____________________ (v. 50)
Rampant ____________________ (v. 51)
Jesus ____________________ the little girl (v. 54)
Jesus provides for her ____________________ (v. 55)


 III. Lessons from the Good Samaritan
The distance from Jerusalem to Jericho is about seventeen miles and the road was a dangerous one, filled with robbers (v. 30) - like going to downtown Baltimore.
Jesus points out the hypocrisy of religious leaders (vv. 31-32)
“Took pity” implies deep feelings of sympathy (v. 33) which is then translated into sacrificial action.
The Samaritan probably used pieces of his own clothing to make the bandages (v. 34) as I cannot imagine him carrying a first aid kit on that day.  Maybe he used his own wine as a disinfectant.  But then again, this is only a parable.
Love is demonstrated in action, in this case, in an act of mercy.  It may be costly: cloth, wine, oil, transportation, money, and time (vv. 33-36)